You can’t make an omelet without cracking an egg. Likewise, you can’t start a successful web design project without writing a clear and concise brief.
Just like you need to crack an egg to get started on a brief the next stage is just as important, the whisking. A detailed brief and, to carry on the analogy, well whisked egg means your website will be easier to build and your omelette easier to flip.
That’s enough of the eggs for now.
It isn’t easy to know where to start when it comes to writing a brief. Sometimes it’s hard to assess exactly where you’re coming from and it’s difficult to nail down exactly where you want to go. So to help you out I’ve come up with a free WordPress Website Design & Development Brief template to get you started with creating a professional level website brief.
My template is free. All you need to do is submit your email address and I will ping you over a template directly to your inbox. Free of hassle and free of charge.
I’m all about understanding, creating and helping you grow so don’t hesitate to get in touch if you have any questions about the template. I’m are here to help!